by rostrum developments | Oct 14, 2014 | Design News
We hear it all the time, “Oh but it’s so small, how will my furniture fit? Won’t I feel cramped?” The answer is simple, when done right a small space is cozy and relaxing. Since you cannot fill your rooms with clutter your space is soothing and...
by rostrum developments | Aug 31, 2014 | Design News
A few words from our designer Marie Hebson from Interiors By Design inc.
by rostrum developments | Jul 30, 2014 | Design News
The beauty of small spaces. There are many ways to make a small space your ideal home. From choosing multipurpose furniture that does double or even triple duty, think Murphy beds that double as dining room tables, to something so simple as furniture placement, a cozy...
by rostrum developments | Jun 11, 2014 | Design News
We have discussed this in the past but we feel, it is worth mentioning again since people are inquiring about our smaller sized condo offerings. There are currently many innovative space saving furniture makers in the marketplace. Perhaps your large sectional sofa...